Thursday, November 20, 2014


Gaming is a big part of my life. It is how I unwind, have fun, and socialize. It is a field that I hope to work in in the future. That being said, I do recognize the dangers and the addictive aspects of gaming. I admit, I have been the victim of this addiction to some extent. Luckily, I never really took to MMORPGs like World Of Warcraft. If that had been a game type that I was into, I could seriously see myself spending way more time than is healthy on there. But I have put lots of time into other games that don't have quite the openness of WoW. I have seen in impact my studies and relationships and how my life has changed since cutting back. I feel much more productive and I have healthier and more relationships. I still do like my  gaming time, however. It is something that can be a good thing in the right amounts, just like movies or TV. In many ways, I think gaming is better than those things. The point is, these art forms are things that we can and should enjoy, just not at the expense of real relationships and our duties as God's children.

1 comment:

  1. Well said. I think it often points back to finding that balance, as you mentioned. Moderation and discipline can sometimes be difficult to achieve, but it is worth the effort.
